Download StatGraphics Centurion v19.6.04 Latest Version

Details of Statgraphics Centurion:

Download statgraphics centurion full Version

Statgraphics Centurion  Download is a complete desktop program for Windows that can be used for statistical analysis, data visualization, and prediction analytics. This tool is meant to let anyone who gets data use the power of data science. Statgraphics 19 is the most recent version. It has a simple graphical user interface (GUI) that lets you use it without having to learn a difficult command language.

The StatAdvisor is especially useful for practitioners because it shows the outcomes of statistical studies in a way that non-statisticians can understand. Statgraphics 19 has more than 290 statistical processes and special features. It has a lot of new features for data visualization, predictive analytics, data mining, and machine learning. Statpoint Technologies’ products offer a wide range of EDA methods that are spread out among the statistical procedures. These are some of the most important methods for experimental data analysis.

Download statgraphics centurion Latest Version

Download Statgraphics Technologies, Inc. has a number of tools for statistics and showing data in graphs. Pick the piece of visual analytics software that fits your needs the best. Data mining is a way to find trends in large amounts of data. These kinds of patterns can often help you figure out links, which can help you make better business decisions. You can generally divide statistical data mining tools and methods into groups based on how they are used for classification, prediction, clustering, and association.

There are many tools in Free Download StatGraphics Full Version  that can be used to make and analyze statistically planned experiments. Statgraphics is software for designing studies that can make different kinds of designs.A lot of the time, graphs are the best way to get information out of data. Depending on the type of data, there are a lot of different ways to show that information. Statgraphics has a lot of tools for visualizing data. Many of them have animations built in to show how data changes over time.

Free Download statgraphics centurion latest Version

Features of Statgraphics Centurion:

  • A new GUI with a ribbon bar that makes it easy to find the analysis you want to use and the controls you need to choose choices.
  • It’s an interface to Python that lets you share data, run scripts, and get to libraries like the K-means clustering process.
  • Over a dozen new statistical procedures, including equivalence analysis and noninferiority testing for variances, quantile regression, piecewise linear regression, zero-inflated Poisson and negative binomial regression, fitting mixtures of univariate and bivariate normal distributions, machine learning procedures such as decision forests, waterfall plots, and Venn and Euler diagrams.
  • New alias optimal designs in the DOE Wizard, together with a feature for selecting optimal runs to enhance an existing design.
  • A dashboard that indicates the status of selected procedures such as control charts and capability indices.
  • User Interface: The ribbon bar makes it easy to find the feature you’re looking for, while the quick access toolbar lets you bypass the menus when using your favorite procedures. Analysis windows now let you switch between multi-pane and single pane modes. As in earlier versions, multi-pane mode puts each table and graph in a separate pane of a splitter window.
  • Dashboard: A new Dashboard has been added to the set of StatFolio windows that can display tables and graphs from different analyses side-by-side. For procedures such as control charts, capability analyses, regressions, stock charts and measurement studies, the background of a table or graph can be colored green, yellow or red to indicate the status of selected indices, large changes or unusual residuals.
  • Univariate Mixture Distributions: The Distribution Fitting (Univariate Mixture Models) procedure fits a distribution to continuous numeric data that consists of a mixture of 2 or more univariate normal distributions. The components of the mixture may represent different groups in the sample used to fit the overall distribution, or the mixture model may approximate some distribution with a complicated shape. The procedure fits the distribution, creates graphs, and calculates tail areas and critical values. Tools are provided for determining how many components are needed to represent a data sample.
  • Bivariate Mixture Distributions: The Distribution Fitting (Bivariate Mixture Distributions) procedure fits a distribution to continuous numeric data that consists of a mixture of 2 or more bivariate normal distributions. The components of the mixture may represent different groups in the sample used to fit the overall distribution, or the mixture model may approximate some distribution with a complicated shape. The procedure fits the distribution and creates graphs of the fitted model. Tools are also provided for determining how many components are needed to represent a data sample.
  • Piecewise Linear Regression: The Piecewise Linear Regression procedure is designed to fit a regression model where the relationship between the dependent variable Y and the independent variable X is a continuous function consisting of 2 or more linear segments. The function is estimated using nonlinear least squares. The user specifies the number of segments and initial estimates of the locations where the segments join. The procedure then estimates the slopes, slope changes, and the locations at which the slope changes occur.
  • Stability Studies: Stability studies are commonly used by pharmaceutical companies to estimate the rate of drug degradation and to establish shelf life. Measurements are typically made on samples from multiple batches at different points in time. Of primary interest is estimating the time at which the lower prediction limit from the degradation model crosses the lower specification limit for the drug. Depending on the structure of the data, batches may be treated as either a fixed or random factor.
  • Quantile Regression: The Quantile Regression procedure fits linear models to describe the relationship between selected quantiles of a dependent variable Y and one or more independent variables. The independent variables may be either quantitative or categorical. Unlike standard multiple regression procedures in which the model is used to predict mean response, quantile regression models may be used to predict any percentile. Median regression is a special case where the quantile to be predicted is the 50th percentile.
  • Alias Optimal Experimental Designs: New Alias-Optimal designs generated by the DOE Wizard consider not only the precision in the estimated model coefficients but also potential bias in those estimates caused by active effects that are not in the assumed model. Criteria such as D-optimality do not take into account aliasing caused by omitted effects. Sometimes, alternative D-optimal designs may be subject to considerably different amounts of aliasing. At other times, a small reduction in the efficiency of the selected design may result in a large reduction in potential bias.
  • Optimal Augmentation of Existing Exp. Designs: A new feature added to the DOE Wizard is the ability to add runs to an existing experiment so as to maximize a selected optimality criterion. The user first selects the number of runs to be added and then completes the dialog box shown below.
  • Equivalence Tests – Comparing Variances: New procedures have been added for demonstrating the equivalence or noninferiority of population variances. One procedure compares the variance of a single sample to a target value, while the other compares the variances of samples taken from 2 different populations. In the second case, the samples are considered to be “equivalent” if the ratio of their respective standard deviations falls within some specified interval surrounding 1.
  • Gage Studies – GLM Method: The GLM Method estimates the repeatability and reproducibility of a measurement system based on a study in which m appraisers measure n items r times. It also estimates important quantities such as the total variation, the precision-to-tolerance ratio, the standard deviation of the measurement error, and the percent of study contribution from various error components. In addition to variation introduced by appraisers and parts, additional factors may also be included. The additional factors may be treated as having either fixed or random effects. Note: This procedure will handle unbalanced data.
  • Decision Forests: The Decision Forests procedure implements a machine-learning process to predict observations from data.
  • Zero-Inflated Count Regression: The Zero Inflated Count Regression procedure is designed to fit a regression model in which the dependent variable Y consists of counts. The fitted regression model relates Y to one or more predictor variables X, which may be either quantitative or categorical. It is similar to the procedures for Poisson Regression and Negative Binomial Regression except that it contains an additional component that represents the occurrence of more zeroes that would be expected in those models. Data containing excess zeroes is very common, including such diverse examples as the number of days a student is absent from school, the number of insurance claims within a population where not everyone has insurance, the number of defects in a manufactured item, and wild animal counts.
  • Venn and Euler Diagrams: The Venn and Euler Diagrams procedure creates diagrams that display the relative frequency of occurrence of discrete events. They consist of circular regions that represent the frequency of specific events, where the overlap of the circles indicates the simultaneous occurrence of more than one event.
  • Waterfall Plots: 3 types of waterfall plots have been added to version 19: an ordered plot, a sequential plot, and a 3-dimensional plot. Ordered Waterfall Plots are used to illustrate how a variable of interest increases or decreases amongst a sample of individuals. Data values are sorted and plotted as a barchart, usually with respect to a baseline equal to 0. A reference line may be added to the plot to display a target value
  • Python Interface: adds an interface to the Python programming language that is similar to the interface to R that was added in Version 18. Procedures have been added that make it easy to pass data between Statgraphics Full Version and Python. Python scripts may also be written and executed from within Statgraphics.
  • K-Means Clustering: The K-Means Clustering procedure implements a machine-learning process to create groups or clusters of multivariate quantitative variables. Clusters are created by grouping observations that are close together in the space of the input variables.The calculations are performed by the “Scikit-learn” module in Python.
  • Conformance Analysis for Attribute Capability: Conformance analysis has been added to the procedures for determining capability based on attribute data. Conformance analysis is used to determine how well a process conforms to specifications stated in terms of the number of nonconforming items per package.
  • Statistical Process Control Charts: The number of recalculation points for the control limits has been changed from 4 to 9.
  • Missing Data Plot: A plot has been added to the Data Viewer to show the location of missing data in a data set.
  • Barcharts: An optional line may now be added to simple and multiple barcharts.
  • General Linear Models: Stepwise variable selection has been added to the GLM procedure for both quantitative and categorical factors. In addition, entry of interactions and other high-order terms has been simplified.
  • Paired Sample Comparisons: 2 new diagnostic plots have been added to the Paired Sample Comparison procedure. The first is a Diagonal Plot that plots the paired values with a diagonal line.
  • Dynamic Pareto Chart: The Dynamic Pareto Chart Statlet is designed to create a Pareto chart that shows how data corresponding to a set of categories changes over time. Given data representing n categories observed over p time periods, the procedure shows a multiple barchart in which the categories have been sorted from greatest to least. The chart evolves over time, with categories switching places when the sort order changes. Bars may be colored to represent an additional variable.
  • Dynamic Radar/Spider Plot: The Dynamic Radar/Spider Plot Statlet is designed to show how data corresponding to a set of categories or variables change over time. The input data consist of k columns representing p time periods. The program generates a dynamic display that illustrates how each of the columns changes. Typical applications include plotting monthly sales or other data containing strong seasonal effects. The basic chart plots values on a circular grid in which each spoke represents a separate variable or characteristic. Points on the plot are connected for each sample displayed. As time is advanced, changes in the patterns can be easily visualized.
  • Time Series Spiral Plot: The Spiral Plot Statlet plots time series data along an Archimedean spiral that starts near the center of the plot and spirals outward. It is particularly helpful for displaying large amounts of data that exhibit a seasonal pattern. Data may be shown using bars, point, or lines. It is implemented as an animated Statlet that dynamically changes with time.
  • Accelerated Life Testing: Version of Statgraphics Centurion Download introduced a new procedure for accelerated life testing. The procedure fits various models to observed failure times collected under higher than normal levels of one or more stress variables. The fitted models are then extrapolated to estimate the failure time distribution under normal operating conditions.
  • Support Vector Machines: The Support Vector Machines procedure implements a machine-learning process to predict observations from data. It creates models of 2 forms: Classification models that divide observations into groups based on their observed characteristics; and Regression models that predict the value of a dependent variable. In the case of Support Vector Classifiers (SVC), algorithms attempt to divide observations into groups by generating gaps between the groups that are as wide as possible. In Support Vector Regression (SVR), algorithms attempt to minimize the coefficients of a model in which the distance of observations from a region around the fitted model defined by an acceptable amount of error is as small as possible.
  • Trellis Plots: Trellis Plots are segmented plots that display data for each combination of one or more conditioning variables. For example, box-and-whisker plots showing the distribution of weight among individuals might be displayed side-by-side for men and women of different ages. The plots are designed to help users visualize how data change across levels of the conditioning variables.
  • The ability to undo several consecutive operations in the data editor.
  • The ability to reverse the order of the rows in a datasheet.
  • The ability to save images contained in the StatGallery as image files.
  • The ability to save graphs with a transparent background.
  • The ability to change the point size when saving graphs.
  • New one-sided prediction limits for Calibration Models.
  • Optional lines separating clusters on a dendrogram.
  • The ability to optimize only selected responses in the DOE Wizard.
  • New residual probability plots in many procedures.
  • Optional input of data and code columns in radar and spider plots.
  • Direct data import from Minitab project files, SAS transport files, and SPSS portable files.
  • Improved response surface plots, allowing lines and labels to be added to continuous contour plots.
  • Trellis plots added to model fitting procedures in DOE wizard.
  • Logit, probit and Box-Cox transformations added to available transformations in DOE wizard.
  • Colored background now available for all graphics text.
  • New option added to academic site license activation to support both virtual and non-virtual classrooms.

What’s New in StatGraphics Centurion:

  • User Interface
  • Graphics and Data Visualization
  • Design Of Experiments and Statistical Process Control
  • Regression and Analysis Of Variance
  • Distribution Fitting
  • Machine Learning
  • Statistical Tests


  • When installing STATGRAPHICS Centurion, I am asked for a serial number. What if I am installing an Evaluation Copy and have not yet purchased the program?

Leave the serial number field blank if you are installing a 30-day evaluation version.

  • When I started STATGRAPHICS Centurion for the first time, it asked whether I wished to use the optional Six Sigma menu. Does that menu give me access to different procedures?

Both the Six Sigma menu and the standard menu access the same set of statistical procedures. The only difference is the organization of topics on the main menu. The Six Sigma menu arranges topics under the DMAIC headings (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) used in Six Sigma, while the standard menu follows the normal STATGRAPHICS Centurion Download  structure. You can switch between the two menu structures by accessing “Preferences” on the “Edit” menu.

  • I installed STATGRAPHICS Centurion and entered a serial number. The program is now requesting an “activation code”. How do I get one?

To obtain an activation code, go to the “Help” selection on the main menu and select “License Manager”. On the License Manager dialog box, push the button labeled “Activate” and follow the instructions that are displayed.

  • When running an analysis, I received the following error message: “Cannot perform analysis. Data values are all equal.” What causes such as error?

The program is indicating that the observations for at least one of the variables to be analyzed are all equal, preventing the analysis from being performed. This sometimes occurs when cases with missing values are removed, leaving you with less observations that you might have expected.

System Requirements:

  • Statgraphics requires Windows 7 (SP1 or later), Windows 8, Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Installation Guide:

  • Select either a 32-bit build or a 64-bit build. The 32-bit edition of Statgraphics Centurion will operate with any version of Windows, both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. The 64-bit edition of Statgraphics Centurion will only operate on computers using a 64-bit version of Windows.
  • Select a main language from those available. Download and install that build first.
About the Software:
  • Official Creators:
  • File Size: 250.0MB

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